Spanish4Kiddos Blog
Spanish Winter Learning Activities
Spanish winter learning activities for bilingual learners consist of quick ideas to keep them learning. While the winter season brings lots of joy and enthusiasm, you can still create Spanish lessons to engage your students and children. These lessons don’t have to be elaborate. On the other hand, you can use the winter break as a precursor for concepts in the next few months. Adding……...
Halloween Bilingual Reading Activities
Halloween bilingual reading is a fun technique to encourage bilingual learners to read, interact, and learn new vocabulary skills. How fun would it be when you use themes like Halloween to focus on prior knowledge? Activate that knowledge of experiencing Halloween or trick-or-treating to enhance new or previous words. Of course, you may want to use fun and light-hearted stories. In this way, these bilingual……...
Spanish Weather Reading and Activities
Spanish weather reading activities are essential for introducing terms and basic concepts. With simple techniques with reading, your students will learn Spanish weather terms and other ideas. While these techniques are great for bilingual students, other students can also benefit. Better yet, these activities easily integrate with other lessons like seasons, clothing terms, or weather expressions. … Membership Required You must be a member to access…...
Spanish Five Senses Bilingual Reading
Spanish five senses bilingual reading can include various activities and lessons. A fun way to use Spanish five senses in lessons is to use collages, puzzles, interactive games, and reading. Of course, you can relate feelings and emotions with five senses activities. In this way, you incorporate different ways to use various senses that help students express feelings. You can also use body part terms……...
Back to School Ideas for Bilingual Learners
Back to school ideas for bilingual learners can consist of summer reviews, Spanish letter practice, and reading. Of course, trying to get into a routine might not be easy at first. The relaxing summer days slowly turn into the busyness of school. So, with a few back to school ideas, your bilingual learners will get back to learning and be ready for the new school……...
Bilingual Stories for Kids: Pirates
Bilingual stories for kids can help with more than language skills. Often, you might read stories aloud and engage your bilingual learners in reading comprehension. However, you don’t have to stop there. You could go a step further and develop listening skills, recalling, and vocabulary. Enrichment of these skills doesn’t have to depend on elaborate approaches. Instead, you could use simple steps to bilingual reading……...
Spanish Sight Words Patriotic Activities
Spanish sight words patriotic activities are fun ways to learn high-frequency words. Learning sight words in Spanish and English is a vital part of taking the next steps in reading. So, you want to create fun learning experiences to encourage your young learners to remember these words. Rote memorization can quickly turn into boring exercises and might lead to frustration. By generating other ways to……...
Spanish Circus Reading Activities for Bilingual Learners
Spanish circus reading activities can motivate your students to learn more than about the circus. A reading theme about a circus, as in this case, can help bilingual learners with vocabulary, writing, and letter identification. While each student may learn differently, activities that can include different learning can enhance a deeper level of knowledge. … Membership Required You must be a member to access this content.View…...
Spanish Fairy Tales Reading: Rapunzel
Spanish fairy tales are fun reading for young bilingual learners. With fairy tales, young readers can read about more than an entertaining story. Fairy tales consist of specific elements that help readers understand the story. There are so many fantastic fairy tales in both English and Spanish. Besides learning vocabulary, young bilingual readers understand the literary components of a story, purpose, and setting. … Membership Required…...
Get Your Free Spanish Sight Words Workbook
Subscribe to our Spanish Sight Words newsletter and receive a free workbook. The booklet consists of writing practice, classroom labels, and activities.
Spanish Nursery Rhymes for Preschoolers
Subscribe and receive your Free Spanish Nursery Rhymes for Preschoolers Workbook.