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Summer Reading Tips and Resources

Summer reading tips include language skills for bilingual readers to develop strategies when reading various texts. Summer reading can be a fun experience when bilingual readers choose their stories to read. You can also include fun activities to go along with each reading.

Read-aloud English and Spanish stories are fun ways to incorporate into a summer reading program. Readers engage and participate with the stories as they read or watch videos of read aloud stories.

Summer reading for bilingual learners can be a fun way to stay active with reading and develop language skills.  

Summer Reading Tips

These tips for summer reading for bilingual readers can help them develop writing and language skills. Experts agree that summer reading is enjoyable and promotes language skills and comprehension.

However, sometimes, getting bilingual learners to read can be challenging. Here are summer reading tips to help bilingual readers enjoy reading:

Use Short Bilingual Stories to Expand Vocabulary

  • Begin with simple stories like fairy tales, fables, or rhyming books to encourage readers to choose a favorite topic. 
  • Or, you can have a selection of five books.
  • Then, ask your readers to select one for each day of the week. 
  • Do your students have a favorite movie? Check to see if there’s a book or short story about it.
  • Then, create a few writing questions or prompts to learn about the story and characters. 
  • Select five to ten specific terms or words from a nonfiction book or informational text that is fun to read.
  • For example, how to make ice cream, how does sunscreen work to keep you healthy, favorite places to visit, or you can create your own topic. 
  • Consider a reading buddy. Some schools or libraries have a reading buddy like a special service dog or animal to help children with anxiety or reading. 

Summer reading encourages bilingual readers to encounter a wide range of words and phrases that they may not typically come across in their everyday talks. This reading strategy helps expand their vocabulary and improves their language skills.

By reading different genres, bilingual readers get a chance to develop different writing styles, learn new stories, and enhance their language development. 

Boost Readers’ Imagination and Creativity 

Spanish bilingual books create a wondrous opportunity for readers to learn about different topics, introducing them to amazing characters and engaging storylines. Summer reading, especially read-aloud stories, encourages bilingual readers to use their imagination, allowing them to visualize the story and its elements.

Incorporate fun hands-on activities such as learning the alphabet or letter recognition with fine motor skills practice, painting, or crafting.

The Spanish Summer Reading Challenge has many FREE resources to help bilingual students engage with reading in English and Spanish. You can find simple stories, games, videos, and more. Join today! 

Create a Lifelong Adoration for Reading

Summer reading can be a catalyst for developing lifelong adoration for reading. When bilingual readers find books that captivate their interest, they are more likely to continue reading even after summer ends.

Let readers choose books that align with their interests, whether it’s fantasy, adventure, mystery, or nonfiction. Make summer reading a challenge to read several books a week, keep track of their progress, and reward them with fun incentives.

Before summer ends, your bilingual readers will learn new vocabulary, read fun stories, and learn Spanish along the way. 

Spanish Summer Reading Resources 

These resources are fun ways to start reading in English and Spanish. Select each section for additional information.

Spanish summer stories
summer reading challenge resources
Spanish summer learning activities

Join the FREE Spanish Summer fun:

Barbara Mascareno

Barbara is an educational writer, teacher, and instructional designer. She loves to write K-12 education content, teaching strategies, bilingual education approaches, and foreign language.

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